Sunday, 7 November 2010

The Ecology of Love

When I take out a slice of bread from the toaster and spread some honey on it and take a small morsel and get the sweetness and delight from each bite, the sweetness is not because honey is sweet but because love is sweet, LOVE that hundreds of people have put into that morsel.

Without exaggeration, the fact is, that each morsel that I take is possible because many hundreds of people have put their, effort and love into that, from sowing to wheat fields and barns and from barns to flour mills and from flour mills to bakers , then packaging, marketing and retail outlets, all these processes where man and manmade machines are involved, aided by all natural phenomenon like, soil, air, water and sunlight this one small bite is a miracle of LOVE that binds all humanity together.

This one small bite makes us, the humanity and the creation of God including all life forms so much closer and interdependent that it is impossible to live in an isolated and selfish world, the only natural choice is to harness selfless LOVE.


  1. hmm...this is worth knowing that we are interdependent on each other and thus a unit of a cycle in this world....

    Our selfishness disturbs the cycle made by nature to give every being its share of life and life's share.

    Its a beautiful thought you brought forward...Dar sahib....thank you so much !

  2. Never again do I want to partake of toast and honey the same as before. You bring love for the tillers and refiners of the bread as well as the bees and the bee keepers to a high level of awareness. No only that - you also bring mindfulness in the present moment into clear and well-lit focus. My deepest gratitude and a special plea for you to continue your series on LOVE which is bringing delight and much needed nourishment to each and all who read, I have no doubt.

  3. Thanks Thinking. The more aware I become of this interdependence the more I feel love for everybody around.

  4. Connie thanks for the delectable comment. The awareness of this sensibility called LOVE can make wonders, we need to spread this and believe in this, this one thing can just transform this world into the spectacle that it has to become…. A PARADISE.

  5. What a wonderful post it is and just as Connie said, bread toast and honey holds new charms for me now :)
    How we Human Beings crave for Love and how we can always find it every where around us is strange.
    Understanding and appreciating this interdependence and Love can unite the biotic, abiotic and spiritual worlds together.
    Thanks for such a beautiful insight into a topic as LOVE.

  6. No doubt only this LOVE is the bond which keeps all of us knitted together :)

  7. Thanks Namrah, and what a sparking thought “ Love can unite the biotic, abiotic and spiritual worlds together” –wow.

  8. Yes ReeBz exactly, Love is the cementing force.

  9. You beautifully depicted the wholeness and oneness of humankind.I have no words to appreciate it.

  10. Peerless, I am thankful for your kind words.

  11. Namrah, I am once again amazed at your grasp of the WHOLE of reality and now with this - I see in new light your amazing gifts with words. How can it be that ALL the participants here at RR are so gifted and growing in their perceptions of the whole along with abilities at writing and in a second language as well? This is sometimes simply beyond me how this all happened and why I was so fortunate to find such richness and such friends?

    REEBZ I am so glad to see you active here again and look soon for a time to respond to your work and words in depth...

    Thanx again Dar Sahib for this format on love...
